Recently Added Cases

Kamal Woods, MD, MBA, FAANS
A 75-year old male presented with L3-4 and L4-5 minimally invasive laminectomy 18 months prior, at another faculty. Initially he did well, but recently developed recurrent back pain and bilateral lower extremity cramping with standing and walking. His symptoms improved with sitting and leaning on a shopping cart.

Jon J.W. Yoon, MD, MSc
Penn Medicine
A 57-year old make presented with unrelenting back and right thigh pain. He had a prior L2-L4 laminectomy, right L2-L4 endoscopic foraminotomy and a history of Colon CA s/p colectomy, DM, HTN, OSA. He had minimal to no relief with physical therapy.

Puya Alikhani, MD
University of South Florida
A 65-year old make presents with back pain and radiculopathy to lower extremities. Pain in his right leg is worse than the left and he’s failed conservative treatment. VAS score – back: 10, leg: 6.

Alexander E. Ropper, MD
Globus Medical Case Study
A 77-year-old male presented with recurring back pain with some radiation to the left leg. Pain was aggravated with walking and standing, and improved with forward flexion and laying down. The patient completed physical therapy and multiple epidural steroid injections, without lasting pain relief. He had a laminectomy at L4-L5 performed four years earlier.